Kanpur Round Table 125: A report on Flower show


The tablers of KHRT-125 along with the Circlers of KHLC 88 in collaboration with the Kanpur Floriculture society organized a Flower Show on the 1st and 2nd of March 2014

The two-day event was organised in the lush green J.K gardens and the event was off to a great start on a crisp and cool Saturday morning. The weather was perfect, the slow breeze was making the pretty flowers and plant dance to its tune, and the lush grassy carpets were a perfect shade of green… all the ingredients for a perfect flower show to begin!!!

There were 98 categories in 6 sections. We had over 4000 pots at display with the number of entries increasing substantially over last year.

Our Tablers and circlers came in good numbers on Saturday morning for the inauguration ceremony. It was heartening to see our fellow citizens, showing an interest towards horticulture and gardening, coming in large numbers to watch and support such an event.

The chief guest for the show was eminent industrialist, Mr. Yadupati Singhania. In spite of his busy schedule, he was perfectly on time and took keen interest in all the events of the flower show.

After the opening, there was no looking back, people of all age group came in large numbers to see Mother Nature in all her splendor & beauty.

Next day, though being a Sunday, more people poured in to witness the show. As we approached the time for giving out the prizes, the heartbeat of all the participants rose a notch. All the entries were excellent and prize worthy. Finally the judges, who had a tough time selecting the winners, announced the results and our Tablers distributed the awards and prizes.

Tr. Rishabh Jain, Chairman KHRT 125 enlightened the august gathering about Round Table India and its primary project ‘Freedom Through Education’. Getting an opportunity to present the cause of Round Table India in front of a select crowd is

All in all we had a wonderful time organizing and taking part in this event. It was an excellent initiative to inculcate green habits in our fellow citizens as well as wonderful publicity for the cause of Round Table India!!!!

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