Delhi Round Table 5: Free Health Check-Up Camp at Saidpur Chowk, Saidpur Village, District Sonepat on 03-05-2014

Dear Tablers,

GLMF DRT5 is organizing a Free Health Check-Up Camp at Saidpur Chowk, Saidpur Village, District Sonepat on 03-05-2014 from 10am to 4pm. Its being done in a village as there are less medical facilities.

We are providing Free Medicines, Free Dental Check-Up, Gynae Check-Up,Eye Check-Up,Blood Sugar, Blood Pressure, Free Consultation etc.


Tr Arun Kumar Begani

Chairman GLMF DRT5

Believe in what you do, do what you believe in !!

M.: 9313131623



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Kolkata Round Table 227: Report on Taare Zameen Par

11th November, 2013, city of Kolkata witnessed something different. The morning sun was shining bright, the city was running as its usual pace but somewhere in the city something big was about to happen and the Victorians of KVRT 227 the army of 19 men behind it were busy working frantically the whole night till the same day to make sure the venue looked perfect, the décor looked beautiful and the arrangements were all in place.

It was our first Mega Annual Non FTE Event also a fund raiser at the same time. It was called Tare Zameen Par. The event initiated by KVRT 227 in Association with Area 4.

The Venue was Swabhumi a picturesque location standing on an enchanted hillock. The venue was sponsored by (Ambuja group).

It was a half day event and as the name suggest stars on the land (Tare Zameen Par) we had invited 1500 underprivileged children (the stars) from schools and Ngo’s connected to other tables in Area 4 as well as our table.

From over a month the 227 tablers have been working round the clock to approach the corporate and business houses for their support and the best part was an astonishing response from over 50 corporate from the city. They believed in us and did not hesitate in writing cheques to big figures. This gave us more confidence and so we decided that now the event will be organized on a really grand scale. We did not compromise in anything be it publicity, venue, freebies, gifts, food and even calling the celebrities.

It was 10 a.m. the time was fast rolling suddenly we noticed the stars from different schools started arriving. All the tablers were positioned in their bases with walkie talkies and given responsibilities. At the registration desk all the children were given freebies, colour codes, stickers, snacks and caps.

In about an hour the whole venue looked like a white sea flooded with the stars of the event and their heads high with flashing white caps. The enthusiasm on the faces of 1500 children was evident the moment they got seated. They could not have imagined the scale of the event that was organized for them. Somebody in the crowd said it is like a New Year Celebration.

The event kicked off in time sharp at 11 a.m. The children were given an individual activity hour. After that we distributed snacks (Mithai, Samosa & Banana). Then the sit and draw competition started followed by music, entertainment and open activities for all the children. At 12:30 lunch was served followed by prize distribution of the winners of the sit and draw competition. We had called professional emcee to take over the flow of the event along with tollywood celebrity like Nushrat Jahan to be the guest of honour. By 2 p.m. the children started departing and we came to the end of the event.

The huge response and a mega success of the event has not only given us the confidence to repeat it on a bigger scale next year but the sponsors too are ready now to support us with bigger amounts. The event will truly remain a memory in our minds and it showed as a team Kvrt 227 together can really make a difference to the society.

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Tr Sahil Saharia

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Hubli Round Table 153: Freedom Drive Publicity Campaign

Freedom Drive Publicity Campaign

Publicity creates awareness in People & is indeed, need of the hour at Round Table India. In fact Publicity is a great tool for growth for any organization & RTI is no different.

“Believe in what you do & do what you believe in” & to make this happen, a unique & one of its kind Publicity initiative came from our own Treasurer HART-153 Tr. Nitin Shenoy, who also leads as Area Captain/ Publicity Convener of Area X. He came up with an innovative idea of Vinyl branding his entire SUV in Tri-Color, with Round Table India Logo, National Theme Logo, Area X theme Logo, highlighting Freedom Through Education & lines of Proud to be a Tabler at prominent places of the vehicle. Most importantly the vehicle carries Logos of all 14 Tables in Area X, which truly displays the excitement, unity & oneness amongst Tables in Area X.  The branding of Tr. Nitin’s vehicle would have not been possible without the help of Tr. Ranbir Sachdev of BKRT 174, Thanks to him.

Seeing is believing….. The idea of this Publicity vehicle is to garner & generate more & more publicity for Round Table India. It is also an attempt to get publicity to Round Table India on the roads travelled. Be it on the Highways or any road connecting Urban & Rural India. We are sure there would be lots of eye brows raised & questions asked on Round Table India by strangers during the Freedom drive, such is the impact of this Vehicle.

There was eagerness & sense of anxiety prevailing all around on this Vehicle. HART 153 team decided to unveil this Super Publicity Vehicle by the National President Round Table India Tr. Harish Shenoy during his visit to Area X.  The day was 21st Sept 2013, where in National President RTI     Tr. Harish Shenoy along with Area Chairman Area X Tr. Girish Mane unveiled this Super Publicity Vehicle of Area X. The moment was of outmost pride when Tr. Harish Shenoy & all Tablers present witnessed the SUV completely with Vinyl branding with single vision of promoting Round Table India. Tablers including RTI President Tr.Harish Shenoy were seen posing for pics in different angles, thus making this vehicle truly special.

National President RTI Tr. Harish Shenoy was the privileged & first to drive this Super Publicity Vehicle of Area X. He was indeed thrilled to drive this Publicity Vehicle on the roads of Hubli & later traveled to Belgaum accompanied by Area Chairman Area X Tr. Girish Mane. “It was a great Experience to drive & travel in this vehicle” said the National President. He then lauded the efforts of Tr. Nitin Shenoy & awarded him Star Performer of Round Table India.

This is just the beginning. We are hopeful that Round Table India would get immense publicity through this vehicle & objective of getting maximum publicity to Round Table India would be met in the days to come.  We at HART 153 urge all Area’s of Round Table India to take up this publicity Idea in their Area and get more and more publicity.

Cheers to Round Table India & Tabling.

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Tr. Rajesh Bhandari
Hubli Accent RT 153
+91 9980943762

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Bellary Round Table 152: Developing an association with Hong Kong Round Table (HKRT 10)

My experience in accomplishing one of the objectives of  Round Table India

To enhance and further international understanding, friendship and Cooperation

Developing an association with Hong Kong Round Table (HKRT 10)

To put in one sentence, visiting HKRT 10 has made me more Professional Tabler than ever when it comes to projects. On a lighter side, my fellow tablers from Bellary Vikings Round Table 152 sometimes hate me for imposing this on them…!

 I was in Hong Kong for 6 months starting from Jan 2013. I was there for additional training in the areas of Paediatric Orthopaedics and Paediatric Spine.

Hong Kong is a beautiful Cosmopolitan city. It reminds me of Mumbai in terms of being the economy capital, in terms of being a port city and in terms of busy life style. The public transport and traffic sense is extremely good.

Tabling in HK was at great peaks until the British left in 90s, with 10 active tables. However, Hong Kong currently has only three round tables. Two are Chinese (Cantonese) speaking and the only one with English speaking gentlemen is Hong Kong Round Table 10 (HKRT 10). This particular table has only expats from different parts of the world, working in Hong Kong. I could meet friends only from HKRT 10.

Prior to my visit I was in contact with the then chairman of HKRT 10, Tr. Gareth Wilde. He is currently the Chairman of Association of Round Tables in HK.

To my surprise, Hong Kong RT 10 has only business meets and projects, no fellowships at all. They meet every first Wednesday of the month in a Japanese Restaurant.

I was invited for each of their business meets as long as I was in Hong Kong. I could attend three of their business meets. Each of them lasted for about 2-3 hours. They have a very systematic and professional business meet, of course over drinks… Asahi!! Is what majority have (A renowned Japanese beer). Having said that, drinks do not stop them from discussing business.

The proposer of the project does all the background work and sends it to the head table well in advance. It is circulated to all the members including the guests prior to the business meet. Since everybody has a prior idea about the project, they have a healthy and detail discussion. They fund for lot of local as was well as international projects.

In the last business meet, which I attended in June 2013, I got an opportunity to propose an ongoing project back in Bellary, Karnataka. I sought their help for funds. They were impressed with the project and accepted to fund the project in part. The delay is only from my side to send them some quotations.

After the meeting with them for last time, I exchanged Bellary Vikings RT-152 pins with Hong Kong RT 10pins.

HKRT 10 is one of those tables, which has maximum funds among all the tables worldwide. Not that it has extremely wealthy tablers, but it is through their fund raising event called Pedal Kart from which they raise funds.

Pedal Kart is a 24-hour racing event, no less than a formula one race. It is being organized for more than 20 years now, on annual basis. They have professional timekeepers from Britain, they have pit stops, and they have a good race Circuit. Teams from Big Corporates participate and they raise huge funds to the tune of over 1 million HKD from this project. The members mainly from HKRT 10 put in extreme effort and work tirelessly for this event.

I was fortunate to witness the event in May 2013, along with my family who were there with me around the same time. I also volunteered to help them in the event for a short while. It also happened, that I was able to meet Asia Pacific Chairman Tr Chamika during that event. We exchanged pins and had discussion about respective tables and professions. He was there as an observer from RT international, as this was a huge fund raising event.

To conclude I would say that it was a lifetime experience for me and I have good friends now at Hong Kong Round Table. I can for sure say that I am Proud to be Tabler.

Dr P. Harish 
Bellary Vikings RT 152
MS, DNB (Ortho),Fellowship in Paed Orthopaedics (Vellore-India, HongKong, Japan)
Vasudev Children’s Orthopaedic Centre


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Kolkata Round Table 227: Report on Non FTE Projects


Khichdi Distribution@Makar Sakranti-33rd NON FTE

On 14th January, KVRT 227 took the initiative of distributing Khichdi to 700 street dwellers in the Burabazaar Area. It was a surprise to see so many people coming running to satisfy their hunger. It took around 2.5 hrs to finish distribution.

Tr Prahlad Kedia came forward to help in this noble cause and sponsored the entire NON FTE single handedly.


On 23rd January, KVRT 227 took up two NON FTES. The first one was distribution of biscuits, cakes, chocolates and blankets at Uttaran open shelter for boys in Kasba, Bosepukur. As a gesture the boys there performed a dance and its great to see so much of talent among the children of our country.

A well wisher came ahead and helped us with the event with Tr Prahlad Kedia taking the lead for the same.


The second project was at Nabo Prayas Behala School for mentally handicapped, physically impaired and blind children. We distributed 65 food packets to them and all the kids were extremely well mannered and the teachers there took special care for each student present.

A well wisher came ahead and helped us with the event was attended by Tr Chetan Prakash, Tr Ayush Beriwala and Prospect Mr Neeraj Bajoria.


On 26th January our table initiated 3 NON FTES. We went to St Judes Cancer Home for children. The event started at 11 30 AM in the morning with a flag hoisting and games for the children present. We even distributed juices, biscuits, blankets, stationery, board games and gave Chinese food as lunch.

It was attended by Tr Prahlad Kedia, Tr Sahil Saharia and Tr Aashish Patwari.


Our Table donated Rs 10000 to Mr Prashanta Dutta(staff of Tr Ajit Bansal of SART 232). The patient was diagnosed with first stage cancer and needed to be operated immediately at a total expense of Rs 160000. After the surgery there was a shortage of Rs 40000 at the patient’s end. Some of the funds were contributed by Tablers of SART 232 themselves.

All the tablers at KVRT 227 decided to contribute Rs 500 each and handed over the same to help the patient. Indeed it was an amazing gesture of all our tablers to come forward for the noble cause.


KVRT227 along with Ranchi Samaritans Round table took 25 underprivileged children to watch the hockey match of Ranchi Rhinos team at the stadium. They were given snacks out there and got the opportunity to take snaps with the mascot there.  5 such events will happen in total and the 1st one happened on the 26th January.


Tr Ayush Beriwala
KVRT 227

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Kanpur Round Table 125: Dental Camp

It was yet again a proud moment for Kanpur Heritage Round Table -125 when were able to finally have a tie up with COLGATE for Dental Check up Mega camp. The initiative was not only to spread publicity and awareness, but at the same time to help underprivileged children in terms of personal hygiene and oral care.

The Mega drive was for 3 days covering all our schools and more than 2000 children had benefited from this exercise.

Colgate was generous enough to help us through with our drive by providing excellent team of dentists for this noble cause. The team headed by Dr. Archita and consisting of more than 7 other Dental Assistants & doctors made us complete this phenomenal task.

3 days nonstop effort was put in by all doctors and tablers to successfully complete this herculean task

DAY 1: 17th October,2013: Jyoti Badhir Vidayalaya: No. of children benifited: 500

DAY 2 : 18th October,2013 : Round Table Sarvasad Guru : No. Of children benifited : 800

DAY 3: 19th October, 2013 : Visit to Round Table Phool Singh : No. of Children benifited : 700

The effect was simply magnificent. The team of doctors were really amazed by the spirit, time and dedication all our fellow tablers give to the needs of these small children.

Hopefully a small effort completed by KHRT125 !!


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HART 153: Independance Day celebration report

Independance Day Celebration

Independance Day Celebrations and Especially with a Adopted School and with the children is Special as on that day the kids learn about the importance and the Tablers get to spend quality Time with them.

Tablers of HART 153 were all geared up to make this 15th August special for the students of APMC Govt. School, APMC Yard, Hubli. It was a pleasant morning and all Tablers gathered at the venue sharp at 7:30 a.m.

IPC Tr. Suraj, Secretary Tr. Rajesh, Treasurer Nitin Shenoy, Project Convenor Tr. Hitesh Patadia, Go Green Convenor Tr. Amit together with the School Principal and other dignified guests hoisted the National Tricolor at the School main ground.

After the Flag Hoisting ceremony, attended with surrounding gathering, students, teachers, and our fellow Tablers followed the national anthem.

Principal read out a Independence Day speech address to the students of the school. Later, noted the student dancers performed on patriotic songs and Folk Dances. The students had come prepared with costumes and presented a plethora of performances before we could get the chance to distribute sweets.

As our tri-color flutters high in the sky, let each one of us take a pledge to bring glory to India and take our country to its destination of becoming a great nation that stands for human values.

Jai Hind.

Tr. Rajesh Bhandari


Hubli Accent RT 153

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