SRT 135 Project Report

SRT 135 donated hearing aids to the needy people in the villages nearby Surat. Tr. Mukesh Patel & Tr. Amit Kansal speaks about it as follows:

The beats of a heart ……… the tap of a feet………. the clap of hands………They are all sounds of life. On a note to help those who cannot cherish this sound of life , We at SRT-135 & SLC-72 organised a hearing aid camp on Tuesday, 6 August at Anaval village , near Bardoli. The project was carried out jointly  with Civil Hospital Surat and Ali Yavar Organisation, Mumbai.

1000 pamphlets were distributed near the Camp site and Banners were put up in the village 10 days prior to the camp.
In the morning 10.30 a.m., when we reached the venue along with the team of doctors , the anxious queue of patients were already waiting.  Members of  Anaval CHC started  the registration of patients & 184 patients were registered. The team of doctors started the inspection of patients after which the 90 needy ones were benefited with the Hearing Aid “Shravan Yantra”. The camp picked up immediately and the patients of all age group kept pouring in full flow , keeping  the team fully occupied till it ended at 5p.m.
The cost of the entire project is Rs. 70,000/- approx. to which the contribution by SRT 135 & SLC 72 is Rs. 8000/-.
The doctors were really happy to do this camp with us and expressed their great satisfaction. They appreciated our work and we acknowledged their services by giving a small mementos to each of them.
The event gained immense publicity and the interview of SRT 135 Project Convener Tr. Mukesh Patel was recorded by local TV Channel.
hearing aid
hearing aid1
Reported by,

Tr. Rajeev Doshi

National Blogs Convener 2013-14

Round Table India


Area 8 AGM Experience by Tr.Rishab Jain (KHRT 125)

Chairman Tr. Rishab Jain of KHRT 125 described his experience of the Area 8 AGM in his wonderful report as follows.

“A wonderful Area AGM, coupled with full detailing, planning, execution, fun & masti : this is what JALSA is all about. I will try to relive those moments by this article and my experience of being part of JALSA.

This year the Area 8 AGM was hosted by Bareilly Round Table 45 at Nainital. At the very name of Nainital, one could visualize, hills, the rising sun -peeking from the hill tops, the awesome weather with the clouds floating around you & a lake to add to the glory of the surroundings. In simple words a perfect venue.

We the tablers of Kanpur Heritage Round Table-125, were very excited to hear about the splendid venue and the fun to follow. We made our reservations well in advance and were ready to be part of JALSA. There was less time and preparations for the skit practice were on a high for our performance on the informal night. The skit was of a marriage celebration. Lot of planning and various ideas were being considered for the skit, and finally it struck- we being able to portrait our concept of political marriage. It was a wonderful bonding we shared between us while getting ready for the skit.

Next was our travel plans for Nainital with a night stay at Bareilly.. Sq Leg Ruchin with Cr.Roopalini , Tr.Ankur with Cr. Rashmi, Tr.Ashish Shukla with Cr.Deepika, and myself  along with my better half Cr. Pooja,  left  timely and as usual the drive was amazing with fellow tablers and square leg, reliving old memories, discussing tabling and having fresh “bhutta`s” on our way.  Although we reached late night to Bareili, but to our pleasant surprise, Tr. Udit from BRT-45 was waiting to receive us. He welcomed us all and made us do a hassle free check in .

Next Morning, we left for Nainital, already messages had started to flow in from the JALSA team about every detail of the routes, approach roads, and the destination details. Thanks to the JALSA team, we were on time at our destination. The city of Nainital was very inviting, the weather was awesome- a relief after the scorching heat at the planes. While entering the town, we could see lot of hoardings & banners of JALSA- all on a common theme of the beautiful yatch sailing on a lake of friendship & tabling.

As soon as we reached our destination hotel, Manu Maharani, which itself is an old heritage property; we could feel the energy flowing out of the hotel. Friends JALSA had begun. There were Tablers from the host table, warmly welcoming us and taking care of everything…they seemed to be like “GOOGLE” and solved all our queries in an instant!!. After a warm welcome and a lightning speed check in we were allotted our rooms and as soon we opened the doors of our rooms- OMG-what a view !!  It seemed as if a poet is writing his poetry…The hills, the freshness of the trees, the shining of the leaves & the pleasantness of the wind was all breath taking..

That night, everyone got dressed according to their skit-and believe me it was hilarious!! All the tablers from various tables seemed to be someone else, some were cross dressed, some were portraying political figures and some were just Gods and demons…!!  Manu Maharani was filled with unique and awesome characters.!! And I am sure that Manu Maharani would have never had such a “Baarat” staying in their hotel.

The informal night started with a bang and an innovation-all were called with a band playing to the fullest tunes of “BAARAT Songs” and were welcomed with pearl bracelets & Garlands made of money..!! Friends, all skits were simply fascinating, even our skit was really awsome with Tr. Ankur : As Bobby Darling & Cr. Anushree :As Spiderman, were a hit among all. Even, I had to let down my guard and had to be dressed like a lady dancer ;). The compeering from Sq leg Ruchin and Dance of Cr. Roopalini were amazing. Even my wife, Cr. Pooja, who had never acted before was also great. Tr. Ashish Shukla & his wife Cr. Deepika were too good for their character. Tr. Dhruv was the lead and Cr. Rashmi did amazing justice to her character. Our skit was a real good hit. The evening followed with lot of excitement, dance, and simply amazing fellowship.

Even Tr. Deepka Menda, National VP, who had come all the way from Vizag, could not resist shaking his leg to the fantastic music…to my surprise,he was really a party person and enjoyed everyone`s company with his speciality-his smile. I remember, after the hall being closed, we sang songs till late night and enjoyed to the fullest, Cr. Roli, the better half of our very own Subu bhai was a superstar..her voice, her songs were just amazing..Finally we called it a night and dozed off.

Next day morning was the AGM,and guess what could be a better location than Boat house for the AGM to take place. Friends, boat house is also a heritage site, made of complete wood and is on the lake and with amazing surroundings. The official part was as per the blue book, and yes Tr. Mayur & Tr.Anoop were just brilliant with their serganting, amazing guys…especially anoop with his devlish looks and Tr. Mayur with his wittiness..robbed us all… While we were busy with the AGM, the ladies and the kids had a gala time boating, enjoying the mall road, and of course shopping. The AGM was conducted with style and the lunch on the boat house deck was a splendid affair. The AGM was to be reconvened in evening at the venue hotel.

Late Evening, with clouds spreading all over the venue, seemed like a dreamland where all “Adams” were in their Black formals and the Gorgeous “Madams” in their stunning red& black dresses. It seemed like a collection of angels who had descended from the heavens  to convene the remaining AGM. The AGM started again in style with a fantastic dance performance of a professional group. The awards were distributed and our table, Kanpur Heritage 125 did pretty well!!!. How could our very own sergeant be patient…Tr. Mayur  played a skillful trick and charged the winning table a sunshine on every award..!! The jewels were changed; the new head board was formed with our very own candy face Tr. Umang Sah taking over as Area Chairman of ahighly energized Area VIII. Our NVP Tr.Deepak Menda, also congratulated the new board and urged on the need for us to keep performing to the maximum. Tr. Aditya , who has an aura attached to his personality , thanked everyone on being part of JALSA

The night was still young, we played the music and rocked the floor. Finally when the music was about to be closed, Tr. Subodh added a sparkling boost to the night by announcing the second session of the dance group..and oh was just spectacular. When we all were tired and were literally exhausted, then came yet another session of old songs…which we sung almost till wee hours of morning. Seriously we were exhausted and just needed to crash..

Next Morning, after a luxury breakfast and mementos of framed photographs we bid adieu to the JALSA. We had a long drive back home and the early start helped us.

Friends, JALSA was not only an Area AGM, it is a BRAND NAME now… it is the marking of success… of friendship …of bonding…of detailing…of being a wonderful host…of masti and most importantly Tabling. Every detailing, stickers on cars, stickers on water bottles, The pins ,messages, comfort , logistics…and the list can go on, were just mind blowing…the time ,patience, energy & resources required to plan such an event is tremendous and that too with a smiling face of the host was like icing on the cake. Seriously the hosts BRT-45 have set standards for the rest to follow..Friends I do not know whether I have done justice describing JALSA, but it is only a simple effort of describing the picture of a remarkable memory, I  dedicate this article to Tr. Subodh, for being such a tremendous organiser, to my very own friend Tr. Aditya, who designed every bit &  concept of JALSA & all the tablers of BRT-45 for creating JALSA. Thanks for having us, and we are privileged to be part of JALSA.

I cannot dare say Jalsa is over..all I can say it has started and here to stay in our memories forever..

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Tr. Rishabh Jain

Chairman KHRT-125







Reported by,

Tr. Rajeev Doshi

National Blogs Convener 2013-14

Round Table India


KHRT 125 Publicity Report

KHRT 125 tied up with the postal department in Kanpur and got RTI branded Postal Stamps and Silver Coins made as a publicity initiative. The same were launched by National President Tr. Harish Shenoy at the 1st NEX in mysore. Tr. Moriya Philip reports the same.

“It was another golden day in the history of Kanpur Heritage Round Table 125. We at 125 have come up with a unique multi-faceted endeavor that promotes Round Table India. We got together with the Postal Department and managed to get “Round Table India” postage stamps made. These are legal postage stamps of Rupees Five each and each sheet of stamps is authenticated by a unique serial number of the postal department.  Along with the stamp we have also got a special edition silver coin made that has the RTI logo on one side and the ‘Freedom through Education’ logo on the other side. This is a pure silver coin and looks resplendent nestled in its red velvet box.

This set was launched by our National President Tr. Harish Shenoy at the first NEX meeting held at Mysore on the 20th of July 2013. We were very happy to see that the entire National Board supported our endeavor whole heartedly.

We find these two together to be a very good souvenir for all those who have tabling close to their heart. They can also be used as a presentation product that can be given away by tablers during festival times or any occasion of gratitude. This will immensely help in publicizing Round Table India and its National Project- Freedom through Education.

We would request all tablers across the country to help and support KHRT 125 in this unique initiative by maximizing the distribution of the stamp and coin set.









Reported by,

Tr. Rajeev Doshi

National Blogs Convener 2013-14

Round Table India


VRRT 218 Go-green Activity Report

VRRT 218 took up the green task of planting 500 saplings for the third consecutive year. Tr. Sanket Bagla reports the same as follows:

“It was Sunday morning and perfect whether with a little drizzling and winds blowing hard. As decided all tablers gathered around 10 am at Tr.Bhagiraths’s residence and at 10.30am left for Dagmagpur the location of our ‘Go Green Movement’. VRRT 218 have been doing this project now for consecutively 3 years in a row and with the outstanding support of Tr.Bhagirath who have been previously the Area ‘Go Green’ Convenor as well. The arrangements also have been made in advance and for this plantation drive at Dagmagpur we have bought 500 trees and relevant material for the same.

We started at 11.30 am and our Chairman Tr.Tanmay planted first tree and gave water in the end of the plantation. All tablers actively participated in this movement and with full devotion and dedication – this movement is very close to our hearts and we are doing it and now it’s a part of our year’s working as moreover its the RTI Movement which further adds to our affection. Tr.Ankur, Tr.Rahul, Tr.Sanket, Tr.Jitesh, Tr.Mithelesh and all the other tablers went on with their brilliant efforts for next 2 hours and along with ladies able to plant 500 trees making it a successful show.

The general mood after this ‘Plantation Drive’ – Satisfaction for touching and doing something for the ‘Nature’ and helped in Environment and contributing our bit in a big ocean. Will keep on doing such projects throughout the year and making this movement much bigger.”


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Reported by,

Tr. Rajeev Doshi

National Blogs Convener 2013-14

Round Table India


VRRT 218 Project Report


VRRT 218 took up the project of helping the flood affected victims in Varanasi. Secretary Tr. Ankur Agarwal reports the same as follows:

Natural Calamities does not take permission before destruction and Varanasi right now is witnessing the biggest Flood affecting thousands of Village and People who are at the outskirts of River Ganga. Thousands of people have been shifted and many are still to be shifted and the rise and destruction is continuous. VRRT 218 decided & without wasting anytime helped 1500 +  civilians, brothers & sisters by providing them necessities of life and are continuing our efforts for next few days as well.  Here is how and what VRRT did on 29th August and 30th August –

29th August – DAY 1

As decided team of royals gathered at 8 am at Tr.Ankur’s Residence and after gathering in good numbers Tr.Tanmay Jain (Chairman ) lead ahead and we all left to the place where 1500 food packets were being ordered a day in advance after loading the food packets in Cars we have also ordered for 1500 Candles, Match box, Biscuits, Water Pouch (3000 No’s) & Apple which was too loaded in cars and at 9 pm reached Assi Ghat where in Tr.Ashish Poddar have in advance booked the 1 Steamer and 1 Boat for us – we ourselves loaded all the materials on the boat and left from the steamer at 9.30 am to the ‘Flood Affected Areas’ . The flood affected areas are Samneghat, Varuna, and Assi Internal Areas – it took ½ hr to reach to our first spot during that time all ladies along with tablers made 250 packets including all stuffs and it was decided that a team of 5 will continue this task – As we all reached Varuna scenes were horrifying to say the least all colonies, villages were flooded and the people were there on the terraces to save themselves – as it was not possible for steamer to go inside – a boat which was attached with the steamer was taken all packets was being transferred to boat – it was then decided as all cannot go at once a team 7 is formed and Tr.Tanmay along with Secretary Tr.Ankur lead from the from and for 1st rescue mission gone along with Tr.Manmohan, Tr.Amit, Tr.Ashish, Tr.Ravi, Tr.Saurabh –  it took almost 1.30 hr for them to come and distributed all the Packets and shared that the scene was not good – all the people were giving their blessings for the stupendous work that VRRT is doing – They all were touched. It motivated us so much that whole VRRT 218 team even forgets to eat anything and continued our work ahead. We then went to Varuna / Samneghat affected areas – where next team of Tr.Rahul, Tr.Sanket, Tr.Gaurav, Tr.Mayank, and Tr.Nikhil moved ahead with 300 around packets and it took 2 hours for distribution in the internal areas where all communications were barred due to flood for more than a week now. After distributing close to 550+ Packets we distributed another 200 packets which were in line with the steamer and people collected from their Roofs where they were standing even we all have to literally throw the Packets in such a manner so that everyone can collect from their places – Ladies were moved by the scene that small children were throwing themselves in water for food and taking not only for themselves but for their whole family. At close to 1 pm almost 800 packets were being distributed and then another leap taken with high morale we came back from where we started and loaded left 700 Packets and went straight to ‘Goenka Niwas’ where ‘Flood Relief Camp’ was set up started our operation after doing our table relief registration outside – Ladies took the lead here and Mona, Shweta, Suniti, Shobita, Amita started distributing Packets and this continued till 5 pm.

After 5 pm we all dispersed with happy souls and felt happy that we did something for the society and touched society at Large. We decided that on 30th August at same time we all will meet at Medwin Hospital at Tr.Manmohan place and will leave jointly in ambulance for our next target.

30th August- DAY-2

As decided team of royals gathered at 8 am at Tr.Manmohan Shyam hospital and after gathering Tr.Manmohan loaded ‘Free Medicines’, Food Packets (700 No ‘s) in 4 Ambulances and moved to padav where already camp under the name of Varanasi Royals was being kept with the permission of District Magistrate. The total number of flood victims in this area were close to 6000 and under our camp 1000+ flood victims were there – Tr.Manmohan along with his wife Dr.Anjana started treating patients and royals team from one end started distributing food packets – In day 2 – Tr.Nikhil, Tr.Ashish, Tr.Abhay, Tr. Ankit started the work and by 2 pm we were successful in helping and treating 500 civilians. The tablers also helped them not only in providing food and medical support but also patiently listened to the people who lost everything in the flood and how now they will again need to build their houses from the scratch– We all realized today the ‘Law of Nature’ that miseries come unwarned. The worked ended at 6 pm on Day 2.

VRRT 218 team did our bit – but we all are left with the gloomy faces which we have witnessed in the last 2 Days and we all pray to the almighty that the destruction settles down and people get back to normal in Kashi. We are fortunate to sit in our houses in lights but its all dark outside.

Hope is what keeps us moving and we truly believe they have hope.

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Tr.Ankur Agarwal


VRRT 218








Reported by,

Tr. Rajeev Doshi

National Blogs Convener 2013-14

Round Table India


DRT 5 Project Report

DRT 5 took up a project of revamping classrooms and other required facilities for 150 slum children. Chairman Tr.Arun Kumar Begani presents the project report as follows:

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13








Reported by,

Tr. Rajeev Doshi

National Blogs Convener 2013-14

Round Table India


ESRT 211 AGM Report

ESRT 211 headed to Pondicherry for their 4th AGM and a rocking AGM with loads of fun and fellowship. Tr. Selva Kumar speaks about it.

“I was looking forward to our IV AGM (least because Le Pondy was a very scenic beach side resort) after a long duration, I was spending 2 whole days with families of other Trs, & travelling with Trs was always fun.  On the D day, Shiv, Nandhu, Mohan & I along with our family split in three cars& headed towards Le Pondy, Pondicherry. The highway drive was pleasurable, we took a break for lunch at a highway restaurant, and the fun was unlimited.

At Le-Pondy, we were welcomed by our Tr. Sathya. After checking in, we had instruction to assemble at the poolside at 6.30pm for a pre AGM social. As expected, the crowd started to walk in around 7ish, but what a fun time we had, in presence of NP GLMF.Tr.Harish Shenoy. The fun lasted till 12 along the poolside, but continued till wee hours in the private Villa pool of our Tr.Dr.Sudhakar.

The following day passed off lazily, quickly – with arrival of the remaining group & in preparation for AGM by Trs (with fellowship), while ladies & twinklers relaxing in one room or the other. After a quick lunch, with a promise to Tr. Krishna- our Chairman to be on time for the AGM session, we dispersed to our rooms to get decked for our AGM.

Surprisingly for a joint AGM, the meeting started on schedule in presence of Chief Guest NP GLMF. Tr. Harish Shenoy and Area Observer Area Chairman Tr. Anand.  With 3 retirements, 2 Sergeanting, 2 annual presentation, the meeting went on for close to 3 hrs, and thanks to a interesting unique way of presentation of the annual report by the secretaries of 98 & 211 and a very lively Sergeanting by Tr. Sathya of 211 & Tr.Dr.Senthil, Tr. Vivek of 98, along with a very emotional but humorous speech of Tr. Mani, the duration didn’t seem long.  It was thoroughly enjoyable.

The AGM was followed by a retirement social of Tr. Mani, Tr. Ramesh & Tr.Dr.Senthil along with AGM social. The theme for the social was French Party; a special acrobatic dance program was arranged by the retiring tablers. Twinklers had a wonderful time watching the dancers and later imitating the dancers on the dance floor. Though the music was shut by 1, the masti continued late into the night……

With the dawn of a new day, ladies decided to visit the beach, few tablers wanted a dip in the pool, Twinklers were already in the pool, with all these commotion & confusion, the new chairman and the FC had a tiring time organizing the 1st meeting of the tabling year. Finally Trs did manage to settle down, and as per chairman’s request, plans for the year were put forward by the respective conveners. With the fellowship of previous nigh still in air, the meeting had a humorous tone.

With fond memories and a heavy heart wishing the time stand still and fun to continue we tore our self from the place along with Tr. Mohan to return home before darkness.


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Tr.Selva Kumar


Erode Spice RT 211″







Reported by,

Tr. Rajeev Doshi

National Blogs Convener 2013-14

Round Table India


ESRT 211 Trek Outbound Report


ESRT 211 headed for an adventurous outbound to a forest involving a trek. Tr. Selva Kumar reports the same as follows:

“Most of us have heard the famous quote that, “All that starts well, ends well”. But there was this one great experience that would vouch everyone that – at times this could be wrong too!!

Being one of the youngest tables in area 7, most of us are well-known to be Nature Freaks. A table trek has always been a part and parcel of a successful year. And with our Mr. Perfect (Tr. Mohan) heading this year, what more could one ask for??

So when this pending duty was cropped-up by our outdoor enthusiast, Tr. Mohan Raj alias Ravi, our Chairman immediately set aside the other table agendas (and even his business commitments) to chart-out a definite POA (Plan of Action). So after burning the mid-night’s oil for couple of days with just a cup of coffee from “Beautywares Coffee Vending Machine”, the trip was finalized to the steep down-hill climb from Kodanadu to Thengumarahada and our Ravi immediately got into the action of getting the necessary clearances…..

With necessary clearances in hand, the Day was set. With the list of participants being quite long and looking at so many enthusiasts, normally a “Safe-Bet” guy like me, I thought what risk holds me when so many of my friends would be there around to protect me – in case of any emergency !!!

So when the scheduled trip for 2 PM was re-scheduled to 5 PM, I casually barged-in to the car that was already occupied by my Chairman, Trek convener – Ravi and our past HT Babu. I was told that as all had left earlier, we had to rush to catch-up with them…. It was only when we touched Mettupalayam; I was in for a DOUBLE SHOCK! One, we were only the four participants and Second, due to a recent unfortunate incident, our permission to walk in this jungle was unceremoniously cancelled!!!

DAY – 01:

Just when I thought that I could enjoy a nice fellowship and get back home safe and sound, I was proved wrong by Ravi!!! After the visit to Kodanadu view, somehow he arranged to take us to the Peak near Kothagiri – never before place for Ravi too.

A gentle climb from the hamlet at the fringes of the forest was followed by the sounds of many a rivulets, a cool breeze and occasional chirpings of the exotic birds. The guard kept us interested with his non-stop lecture on his forest errands; inspite of Ravi asking us to lower our voices. After an encounter with love bites from leeches and a steep climb, the peak left us spellbound!! A magnificent 270 degree view of the Western Ghats was just amazing…

With Mudumalai in one corner, we could easily view the periphery of the Sathyamangalam forests on the other!! With many a tiny waterfalls to watch, the scene was one of the rare ones for all of us.

The downward journey was much easier as the hunger kept all of us rolling down at a faster pace. It was only at the end of this six hour expedition, I actually came to know the reason for the guard’s non-stop nonsense. As an elephant and its calf were frequenting this hamlet for almost a week – the guard had kept his voice aloud, so that our trip would not run into any trouble!!!

My dear friend Ravi, thank you very much for putting my life into such a grave risk!!


After a hearty meal and a bit of relaxation, the panoramic view we had just witnessed gave us a serious thought of camping at Mudumalai for the night. And thus the GREAT JOURNEY of 300 kms commenced!!!

If the day belonged to Ravi, the night obviously belonged to our Chairman. It took us less than 30 minutes to reach Ooty from Kothagiri & another 40 minutes to Mudumalai and someone had to keep on reminding him that he is MOHAN KARTHIKEYAN and not NAREN KARTHIKEYAN at the deep curves of Ooty to Masinagudi hill road

But the plan had however changed once we got there. We were now planning to drive back to Sathyamangalam, as the permission to visit Thengumarahada had just been granted.

A great night with friends on a lonely road with Illayaraja’s songs was just amazing! Never felt the tiredness of the journey or how soon the night almost flew. Mohan was behind the wheels all through and it was past 2 AM by the time we checked into a hotel at Sathyamangalam.

DAY – 02:

We were ready by 9 AM sharp the next day for yet another adventurous (and risky) day!

My perception that the forests of Sathyamangalam are just thorny and dry made me feel how tiring the day should be. But the initial hiccups were soon overcome as we planned to walk in cool shades on the river banks. The walk was planned on the plains and no steep slopes to cover, was a welcome relief for me.

We were given clear instructions by our table’s forest guide – Ravi that we need to maintain pin-drop silence and we have to move in group if we were to watch any sightings. Sightings from a moving vehicle are perfectly fine, but on foot is something risky even for a frequent visitor! If such is the case, then what would be the plight of a beginner? In total surrender in the hands of Almighty, I joined the group for another exciting excursion.

As our Mohan donned the role of ace cameraman – P.C. Sriram, our walk was moving at a slower pace. The first sighting was that of a wild peacock on a tree-top announcing our arrival to the fellow forest-beings. Just then we spotted a majestic crocodile taking his sun-bath on a rock-top amidst the river!! A real huge one that was more than 10 feet!! And this was followed by more crocodiles on the shores. As we rested for a while catching-up with some nourishments carried by our beloved Chairman, my suggestion to return was hastily overruled by my Chairman, as he needed to try more shoots on his brand new camera.…. Having no choice, I had to oblige to my Chairman’s request.

As we continued, we came across heard of deers, parakeets with mesmerizing colors and rare birds of different kinds. And yes….. The “Beast” himself, as he rested few feet ahead of us. It was only a quick glimpse, as he moved – shying away from us!!

Happy and contended, we started our return journey back to Erode.

This quality time spent at the forest was indeed a multi-facet eye opener. It recreated the bonding amongst my fellow tablers, how rich is the bio-diversity of my land and simple obsessions like the best food need not always be expensive.

Thank you Ravi, Chairman and our past HT Babu Anna for this great experience. This is one trip, I will cherish forever.


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Reported by,

Tr. Rajeev Doshi

National Blogs Convener 2013-14

Round Table India


ESRT 211 Fellowship Report

ESRT 211 celebrated their Friendship Day with a get together at a restaurant with all circlers and twinklers in attendance. Tr. Selva Kumar Reports the same as follows:

“A mailer from NFC, wakeup call from Tr.Sathya woke our FC from slumber .Ideas were thrown about on unique ways to celebrate Friendship Day. Let of discussion and committee meetings after, the traditional practise of gathering at a restaurant & cutting cake was zeroed in on. Finally it was time for spicians, who added lots smile and colour to the day@ Oasis Erode.

Most of our Tablers made it along with their spouse and twinklers in the evening. Celebration started with Cake cutting and distribution mixed with love and friendship.

Twinklers were enthustic with the games arranged by Tr.Ravi; they shared their joy and friendship on this occasion.

Cr.Priya Srinivasan shared her friendship band to all our ladies of ESRT 211.

As usual fellowship started with the dish and we had a lovely time. We all had fun filled fellowship along with the family and finally we made the day a wonderful and memorable one.”


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Reported by,

Tr. Rajeev Doshi

National Blogs Convener 2013-14

Round Table India


JRT 233 International Tabling Experience


Tr. Kapil Singh of JRT 233 travelled to Scotland on work and got in touch with the tables there. He speaks about his experience as follows:

“Tabling is such a family it makes you feel at Home anywhere and everywhere…

This june, before leaving to Scotland on a business trip and being a tabler myself, I checked online to find about any Round Table in Ayrshire. Fortunately I discovered five of them, in and around the city. Through Facebook I sent a message and was amazed to see the responsiveness of the Vice Chairman in 10 minutes. He asked for my travel details and told it would be a great pleasure to host me in their country.

My visit to Scotland and my encounter with the Troon Round Table made me learn how they have been shadowing charity work for the community. I was pleased to see their efforts for building a house. James Baker, chairman of Troon Round Table listed a few jobs they’ve been doing for the community such as setting a barbeque and selling tickets for the same. They also lend a hand to the local schools by offering them stationary and other stuff. I appreciate their involvement towards the Table-talks  and found them quite participative for taking out time and organizing the event. During the meet, I could notice that they were only focused on the table’s agenda, already circulated amongst them. I believe this gives a professional touch to deal with things. .  After the meet I got a chance to exchange the pins with them and they told me if could come back again and spend some more time. ”


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Reported by,

Tr. Rajeev Doshi

National Blogs Convener 2013-14

Round Table India
